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Jack Schibli

“I am joining Global Racing because it is an elite program for athletes that are fully committed to being the best they can.”
Born: 5/24/1995
Nationality: American
Hometown: Charlotte, VT, US
Background: Jack began skiing in Switzerland where he lived until he was seven. He then moved to Vermont, where he started skiing with GMVS. He has been there since, and started skiing with Paul Epstein at 15.
- Ranked 10th for YOB 1995’s in the US - GS
- Ranked 19th for YOB 1995’s in the US - SL
- 2013 U18 National Championship 4th place - GS
*Rankings subject to change on a monthly basis.
To view Jack’s FIS profile click here
To donate and help Jack during his season please click here.
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