Nicholas Iliano

"After seeing the successes that paul had in the past with his athlets and how professional this team works I knew that I have to be a part of it to reach my goals"
Born: 8/17/1992
Nationality: Swiss/Italian
Hometown: Flims, Waldhaus
Background: Nicholas was born in Italy. At the age of two he began to ski during the ski holidays in Switzerland, where he discovered his passion. At the age of 13 he got nominated for the regional team in Switzerland, from there his family moved to Switzerland to give him the chance to become a World Cup skier. Between 2011 and 2012 he had 3 hip surgeries, after that he got kicked off the „Nationales Leistungs Zentrum Ost“, where he has been for 5 years. He improved his skiing in the „Oberengadiner Skiverband“ for another 4 years, where he had to fight with other injury. The past season Nicholas, together with Daniele Sette, have been racing without a team. Nicholas is looking forward to reaching his goals with his new team, Global Racing.
94th World ranking in GS
6 time winner at FIS-races
8 times 2nd place at ANC, National Championships and FIS-races
3 times 3rd place at FIS-races
4th place Australian New Zealand Cup SG overall
5th place Australian New Zealand Cup GS overall
7th place Australian New Zealand Cup overall
*Rankings subject to change on a monthly basis.
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